Saturday, September 6, 2014

I'm not feelin' 22

Happy friggin' birthday to ME. To continue the birthday tradition I got together a group of the greatest friends a girl could ask for and we hiked Timp to celebrate 23. I couldn't think of a greater way to celebrate.

Sid and I made it to the Saddleback at 5:15 am (to be exact) and the sun wasn't going to rise for another hour and 45 minutes. It was 40 degrees so to keep warm I got to enjoy the best cuddle sesh with my "husband". Note to self: when hiking Timp to see the sunrise in September bring a blanket or just a warmer jacket. On the way down our group witnessed a FRICKIN BEAR POPPING OUT OF THE BUSHES. This was probably the most memorable birthday hike yet because of that bear!

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