Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Life Goal

I love everything about this clip from 500 Days of Summer. It has a few of my favorite things incorporated into this scene: Joseph Gordon-Levitt and cheesy dancing. I feel a new goal comin' on... To be in a cheesy dance scene like this. It probably won't be as awesome as this and won't be filmed with a fancy camera. This means this it will pretty much a home video but as long as my music video has animated blue birds cropped in somehow then I will be set. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Watermelon Carving

Despicable Me is one of my favorite movies so naturally when I saw this picture I knew I had to make this masterpiece for myself. I tried to look up instructions on how to specifically carve the watermelon for this exact project. But alas minion instructions were no where to be found. But I did find instructions that were necessary here. I hit up my homies, Izumi and Pu pu (pronounced poo poo), and let them know what we were going to be doing today. Pu has exceptional watermelon picking skills or at least that is what she claims. Sadly, this watermelon tasted otherwise.
Don't let this picture fool you because when you have the knife in your hand and are ready to carve the watermelon, it gets tricky. And by tricky I mean hard. Especially for me because in a way I am a perfectionist when it comes to artsy things. It's crazy that I am because God did not bless me with artistic skills whatsoever. I cut the huge hole for the mouth and let Izumi take the knife for the teeth. After we had watermelon with a mouth it was time to gut it which was the funniest part cause our watermelon had a mouth! So it looked like it was just throwing up. Pu carved the eye which was probably my favorite part of minion. The hair was definitely not my favorite part. Our hair had problems and did not stick up straight like the original. But I think I'm diggin' the comb-over look.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Funday

This is how my whole Sunday was spent, minus going to church. I beat every level of Flow with a star and watched these lovely chick flicks. I don't know whether to feel like I have no life or to feel like this was a Sunday well spent. But I think I'll go with the last choice.

Friday, July 27, 2012


I never watch the news but I am so glad I did tonight because I caught this gem. I thought maybe it was just older people that didn't know how to say "swag" but I asked my dad and he pronounced it correctly. So I don't know what this lady's problem was. But she provided me with a great laugh and new way to say "swag". 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Stewart Falls

I got to hike to Stewie Falls with these silly kids. Baby Z is really no longer a baby. She is growing up so fast and is just so darn cute! I don't see Zariah very often so pretty much everything she does melts my heart especially when she says "Ki". 

"Secret Waterfall"
The whole gang

*FYI: I know that Stewart Falls is not a secret waterfall. It's an inside joke. So I am not an idiot! 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

There's a First for Everything

Who knew that if you hike Y Mountain at midnight that you could get a ticket? Not me apparently. For future references the Y parking lot is closed from 11 PM till 5 AM. I guess this means no more night hiking to the Y. At least I can claim that I am pretty bad A since I have now received a ticket. I finally fit in with my older siblings! ;) But hopefully this won't be the first of many, just the first of a few. 

Even though I got a ticket I guess the view and hiking with my friends was worth it.