Sunday, July 27, 2014

Lady Libs

 If you're ever contemplating paying to take the ferry to see the Statue of Liberty, DON'T. I mean if you have the option of touring the Statue of Liberty, do that I guess. But if you can't do the tour because it is sold out just take the FREE Staten Island Ferry. You get a great view and it's FREE.

And if you are ever wondering if you should go to the 9/11 Memorial, GO. You will cry and it's fine, even if you're an ugly crier. That is hands down the best museum I have ever been to. I spent a good two or three hours in this museum and could have easily spent a few more but my belly was longing for some Lombardi's pizza.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Perks of being a nanny: free shiz. 

If you're a nanny make friends with other nannies. Not only does it save you from going insane, but if your friends nanny family likes you, you get cool things, such as free tickets to Wicked.

My days here in Philadelphia are numbered and I only have 13 days left. But who's counting? Rachet (one of my good nanny friends) only has like four more days left so we're trying to check some items off our bucketlists and seeing Wicked was in the top three. Rachet and I were planning on testing our luck with the whole lottery tickets thing but her nanny mom overheard our plan and graciously offered to buy us tickets. We didn't protest, so here's to the cheapest NYC trip we've ever had.

If you haven't seen Wicked, GO STAT. Such a great show and Justin Guarini isn't too bad to look at. Hello dream boat.

Top o' The Rock

Unfortunately, they don't give tours of NBC studios anymore BUT I did get to go to the Top of The Rock so I was satisfied. I've heard people say that the Empire State Building has the best view of this Concrete Jungle, but I beg to differ. I am probably biased since 30 Rock is probably my favorite building in all of NYC (minus the temple).