Sunday, October 21, 2012

Story of My Life

I'm doing this right now as I type. One day I will learn that this habit will get me nowhere in life... Or will it? My work always seems to get done and my grades are all A's so far. So maybe I won't learn? Since I'm already procrastinating here are some funny videos. You're welcome. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Kids Say the Darndest Things!

Tonight I was watching three boys that live down my street. While the two oldest boys were keepin' themselves busy with electronics, I kept the youngest busy with some paper and a pen. I drew windshield wiper glasses and he drew a monster. While creating our masterpieces we would pause and tell each other about our drawings. When I was looking at his monster I thought to myself I wonder what he sees when he draws because all I see is a scribble that is formed into a weird shape. Not even two seconds after I am pondering this he laughs to himself and exclaims, "HE HAS A PENIS!" I guess that answers my question.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I'm Single and I'm Proud!

I love this episode of SpongeBob. He makes a nasty concoction of random food he has left in his house and eats it which makes his breath smell terrible. Since Patrick doesn't have a nose, he tells him it's because he is ugly. Patrick makes SpongeBob yell at the top of his lungs that he is ugly and proud. I like this because he has an insecurity and is trying to embrace it rather than feel sorry for himself. At first he does feel bad for himself and doesn't want anyone to see his ugliness but he turns his attitude around.
I'll stop talking about SpongeBob now and relate this to my own life. I'm not going to exclaim that I am ugly and proud because I would like to think that I am not ugly. But I want to change it and say that I am single and I am proud! Being 21, single, AND living in Utah sometimes makes me feel insecure. It's silly but it's true. I think I feel this way because everyone and their dog is getting married except for me. But I was doing some self reflecting and I am seriously so glad I am not married or even close to getting married because I am nowhere near being ready for that kind of commitment.  Even though 21 in Utah is considered old, every where else it's considered young! I need to enjoy this time I have being single instead of worrying about why I am not getting married or in a serious relationship. There will be plenty of time to worry about that when I am in my 30's and hopefully I'll be married by then. If not then I can just give up and accept the fact that I will be a cat lady. But until then I am going to stop being insecure about not being in a relationship because my time will come. Heavenly Father has a plan for me, I just gotta have faith in him and his plan and know that everything will work out for me.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Snug Life

In August I started working as a nanny for my sister's friend, Laura. I watch her three boys and they are the cutest little things. While the oldest is at school and the 1 1/2 year old is napping, me and baby B like to have snug time. I usually try to do homework during our snug time. But, I feel like B knows when I'm not giving him my full attention cause he plays me and acts like he is going to wake up. So then I have to stop what I am doing and reassure him that I am paying attention to him.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Ridin' Dirrrtty

Sometimes on a chilly fall night the McClain kids and I like to go on short walks to the park. I tell them to grab their jackets, help them get their shoes on,  and make sure they all go potty BEFORE we leave so that we don't have any accidents on our little trek (speaking from a previous experience). Since it was cold, snow boots was the perfect shoe choice for Jo Jo. Good thing he had those boots on or he would have froze... Oh wait, he did because I didn't notice that he wasn't wearing a jacket until we were five minutes away from the house. There was no turning back so he had to brave the voyage jacket-less. And hey at least the other two were warm and wearing jackets, so I didn't fail that much.