Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I'm a BIG Girl NOW!

"With greatness comes great responsibility." I am pretty great, so along with that comes the responsibility and adultness of getting my OWN car. I'm now the proud owner of a 2002 CNG Honda Civic. It's inhumane to have a car and not name it so from here on out he shall be known as Michael Blueberry, unintentionally sounds like Michael Buble. I didn't do that on purpose, it just happened.
I know what you're thinking, Kiley, your car isn't even blue. Why the Blueberry? Because I love Psych and since that show I have had the goal of naming my car the Blueberry, so I can say, "TO THE BLUEBERRY!" As I was car hunting I was a little set on getting a blue Prius. But that didn't work out and I had already named that car before I was even sure I was going to get it. At that moment I told myself no matter what color car you get, you will name it the Blueberry.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

I'm not feelin' 22

Happy friggin' birthday to ME. To continue the birthday tradition I got together a group of the greatest friends a girl could ask for and we hiked Timp to celebrate 23. I couldn't think of a greater way to celebrate.

Sid and I made it to the Saddleback at 5:15 am (to be exact) and the sun wasn't going to rise for another hour and 45 minutes. It was 40 degrees so to keep warm I got to enjoy the best cuddle sesh with my "husband". Note to self: when hiking Timp to see the sunrise in September bring a blanket or just a warmer jacket. On the way down our group witnessed a FRICKIN BEAR POPPING OUT OF THE BUSHES. This was probably the most memorable birthday hike yet because of that bear!